The parchment paper made crinkle sounds as you rolled it open, you began reading what knowledge the scroll beheld ...
I began working with the fae a little bit after my first anniversary* as a pagan, which being honest, I feel as if that was still too early to do fae work, as it is common knowledge in witchcraft that fae are quite tricky, even for a beginner practitioner. Due to my living situation with my parents, the only way I could truly get a connection with the fae (or the Elves, since that is mainly the type of fae entity I work with) was with crystals, and my parents thought I was just collection crystals just for the fun of it. And the only information I could gather was from videos from a lunar elvenkin named Kimberly Eventide, who runs the Youtube channel called High Elven Wisdom & Love, (This was prior to me joining the infamous Archives discord server (Which sadly went EOL, RIP), (08/20/2023 just realizing this, im not entirely sure why i could've just, did research on my own before i joined ? Despite that was something i did even when the Archives server was around, guess it was something that didn't appear to me...)) and at that time, I thiught she was the only elvenkin youtuber on the web, she posts a lot of videos about the Elves, particularly the Elves from the Tolkien books, but she would make videos about the fae as a whole. She would also make videos about the Pleiadians, and various things relating to the universe and the higher sElf. I would frequently watch her live streams as well, if it wasn't for her
My Elven Awakening video she made a while back, I don't think I would be writing this, her video is what awakened me into alterhumanity, thus casuing this "chain reaction" so to speak that lead to my starting witchcraft.
At that point in my journey, I did not have a lot of tools/herbs/etc to work with, and I was afraid of doing spells/rituals because I'm always thinking of the worst things that could happen. Though now in the present time, I have the confidence to conduct a spell or a ritual, yet I'm still thinking of the worst, this is due to trauma from my mother. So really, when I began working with the fae, it was quite boring, to be honest, I never gave them offerings until early-mid this year. And admittingly, I feel bad for been so lacking in my fae work, and after watching videos about the fae and researching about them, I feel like I made many mistakes along the way, one mistake was not giving offerings often to them to keep them happy and another was saying “thank you” to them on accident, which is something im working on as it is muscule memory to be to thank, and the Fae acknowledge entirely and are greatly happy on my progress. Contrary to common belief, nothing ever happened to me from these mistakes, the fae did not do any harm to whats-so-ever from these mistakes like as many said would happen (and I didn’t have any protections nor boundaries with them at that point in time ! which is a big yikes, but luckily now I have made boundaries with them). I know mistakes are normal when starting off something new, just i tend to be quite "perfectionist" like, and attempt to be mistakeless, which is highly unrealistic.
Interestingly enough, I do believe that the fae knew I was their kind before I awakened, and the fae was completely understanding of my living situation. This is one of the reasons why they cut a lot of slack from me because they saw that my love for nature ran deep within my heart and soul just like theirs, and how my trauma/trials and tribulations reflected a lot to theirs'. There was only one other experience I heard from a Youtube video’s comment section about the fae. After reading about their experience and them being clairsentient (which I am as well), I now know that I'm not alone in this.
The relationship I have with the fae on the property is already deep enough, I allow them in the house (on some occasions let them eat/drink my food/beverage) as long as they don’t hurt anyone. Other than that, the relationship I have with them is still growing with more research.
Would like to point out, I never intend this as an implication that fae entities are “all nice,” I completely acknowledge there is malicious fae out there like any other.
*I have AuDHD, so time does not exist for me unless I am timing myself, so truly I don't remember exactly when I started working with the Fae, thus times n' dates are rough estimates
existed since Dec 3, 2003, code carved by the boneharvester | do not interact | neocities